Saturday, April 4, 2020
 From Wanda Moore Mcelrath:
On  Saturday,  April 4th we will be having a Vendor /Craft event at The Place Fellowship Church in Fairview.  This will be Part 2 of our Picnic Shed Fundraiser. The shed will be for the community of Fairview to use. The cost of renting a table will be $30.  At this time we have a consultant for Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Osborne Books, Snap Jewelry, and Avon.  We also have one that makes signs.  If you would like to sign up or have or have questions please call Wanda at 828-691-6700, or you can send her a message on Facebook.  
Reserve your spot now!
Chili Cookoff!
 Join us at church on
Saturday, February 29, 2020
 $10  per person.
Sides and drinks will be extra. 
All proceeds go to the Building Fund.